Wednesday we met with the seller at the property. We talked about property lines, where we'd like the well dug, the access road/shared driveway. He has owned the land since the sixties, so he was full of history about the area.
After we were done talking to the seller, Gary from Adair met us out there for the site visit. We hadn't had time yet to put the flags out where the home is going to sit, but we had given him a site plan. At this point Muffin decided she needed to go potty - which means she and I drove down to McDonalds to use their restroom. Mr. Chaos and Gary continued to talk through things, like how big the pad needs to be and more details on the OTDs (owner to dos). By the time we got back, they had gone over almost everything.
After Gary left, we staked out where we thought we wanted the house. Muffin was a good helper - holding the measuiring tape and flags. We came home and adjusted the plan a bit, so we need to go back out and restake it - the trees are a bit bigger than we had accounted for. (the smallest has about a 24 ft diameter!) and the lot is slopy-er than I had remembered.
Mr Chaos has put in calls to a few contactors about bids for septic, electrical and site prep.
Feels like things are moving!
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