Monday, May 23, 2011

Week Three

Week Three Recap

I had hoped to recieve an update email or call from Adair at some point during the week, but no news is good news, right?

We were in the area on Wednesday and stopped by to see if there had been any progress.  Nothing had changed with the building, but we did see that our shower and tub had been delivered!

Which reminded us that we forgot to ask if the shower head is at a standard height, or if we could adjust it.  (Josh is 6'2")

Josh sent Les an email on Wednesday, but so far we haven't gotten a response.  (Today is Monday).

Sunday we took the family out to see if anything had happened. 

We have walls!  and floors!

Here's the back wall, with the kitchen window, utilty room door and the master bath window.

Here's Tess "in" her room.

The front wall.


A progress shot.

so exciting!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Week Two

Week Two Recap!

The underfloor framing and underfloor plumbing are in, and passed inspection on Friday.

a view from under the framing.

See those little sticky-up bits?  that's all the plumbing stuff.

The garage gravel was delivered and packed. it looks nice.

More materials were delivered!  Floors, walls....

and a pile of scraps and garbage.

We took out a couple of trash cans.  We totally don't expect them to get used, but hey, if they're there they might toss garage in the garbage. It's our responsibility to clean up the job site, which is totally okay by us.

Yeah for week two!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Week One

Week One Recap -

The foundation forms were up and the inspector came out.  She noticed that we had added rock to the south eastern corner, and wanted a compaction test.

What?  a compaction test? 

all work had to stop.

We talked to our excavator, who said that in all his years of doing this, he'd never had anyone question his fill.  The county can require a compaction test when you add more than 12" of fill.  There is 15" of fill in that corner.


Since the forms were up, they couldn't do the normal test (whatever that is)  instead they had to dig out a sample, dry it out overnight and magically test it. (I'm sure it's not actual magic...)

We got the verbal results.  The fill is fine.  We will have the official document at the site on Monday.  We should be back on track.

Jeff installed our septic system and had it inspected and approved.

The foundation was poured!!
Josh called Les at Adair to find out if we are going to be charged for the delay. He didn't think so.

The forms were removed.

We went out and took a look!

I'm standing on our front door!

Plan for Week Two?

Monday the garage fill will be brought out, Tuesday materials will arrive, and Wednesday framing begins!!!!