Sunday, October 31, 2010

Offer Accepted!

Our counter offer was accepted by the seller!!!  whoo hoo!!! I am totally excited!  (can you tell?)  Monday we get to start moving forward again!!!  Yeah!!!


Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Counter offer recieved...officially...

We finally recieved the official counter offer from the seller yesterday.  We immediately sent over our counter offer that our Realtor had all ready to go.  She emailed it to the seller's agent first thing this morning.  Now we wait.

Any bets on how long it will take to get a response?

In the meantime, the Mr and I have decided which floorplan we want.
It's called the 1920.  Imagine the garage off the dining room.

and we're playing with where to put the house on the lot.

The Mr. played with his computer and drew this picture.  The dark blobs are two trees.  They are huge!  One is a cedar tree that smells wonderful and the other is a massive evergreen.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Still Waiting....

Yup.  we're still waiting.  We finally heard from the seller's realtor over the weekend that the seller had changed his mind and would be countering our offer.  We were supposed to get paperwork on yesterday.  Still haven't seen anything.

On a happier note, on the finiancial side of things we're all set.  Loan approved and ready to order an apprasial on our project....we just need a project....

So, really this is a non-update.

Friday, October 8, 2010

and....we're still waiting

We submitted our offer....and waited. and waited. and waited.  On Monday our Realtor got an email from the seller's agent.  Which said, basically that the seller liked our offer but went to the hospital for a day surgery and it would take a couple of days to get the paperwork signed.

okay.  that's fine. we completely understand.

Yesterday our agent sent the seller's agent a message asking how it was going, and he responded that the seller (who's 84) was still in the hospital recovering from surgery, it wasn't an in and out thing like he orginally thought.  and the seller didn't want to deal with the sale until he was feeling better. 

okay. again, we understand.  no big deal, we're in no real rush.

have I mentioned that I have no patience?